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EVs vs. ICE vehicles. Our conclusion on the age-old debate

Today, choosing an electric car or an electric bike over a petrol or diesel vehicle is, in a phrase - a no brainer. We are all aware of the unpredictable fuel prices, and while there is some respite now, it will only be a matter of time before the prices go up again. It all boils down to this – you, the consumer, can either cut corners or opt for a better, more viable solution. Let's take a closer look and see why the electric vehicle comes out as the clear winner in this ongoing debate.

The Pros & Cons of Transitioning to EVs

Electric vehicles are all the rage these days, and rightly so. It is no secret that our planet is nearing its final innings, and we need a way to restore it for ourselves, our future generations, and Mother Earth herself.

Keep your EV battery coolduring the harsh summers

Summer is approaching and that means your electric bike battery requires a little extra care and attention. In tropical countries like India, EVs require proper maintenance, especially during these harsh and unforgiving summers. The heat can affect the performance and lifespan of electric bike batteries, which can lead to diminished driving range and performance. Follow your Atumobile operation bike manual to the letter to have a smooth riding experience. Additionally, here are some extra tips to take care of your EV battery to have it run at its optimum regardless of extreme heat waves.

Development in the EV realm in india

India is on a mission to become a world leader in electric vehicles as it aims to achieve an ambitious target of 30% of electric vehicles by 2030.

Electric Bike Buying Guide

Every time there is a debate about the viability of ICE vehicles over electric vehicles, the latter always prevail. Electric bikes and cars are a great alternative to traditional gasoline-powered bikes because they are more environmentally friendly

Strides in EV Battery Technology

The EV sector in India has undergone a drastic transformation thanks to breakthroughs in battery technology. Electric bikes and cars are now more affordable and feasible than ever thanks to the development

Embrace the electric, this monsoon

Monsoon is a time of refreshing rains and lush green landscapes. After the scorching heat we’ve been through this year, cool showers are more than welcome.

Everything you need to know about electric vehicles, and the future of electric vehicles in India

The past few years have shown electric vehicles emerge as a revolutionary solution to combat climate change and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. India, as one of the world's largest automotive markets, plays a crucial role in shaping the future of electric mobility. In this blog, we will explore the various aspects of electric vehicles and electric vehicles manufacturers in India and delve into the exciting prospects for the industry as a whole


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